Convenings and Sports Partnerships

In 2023, The White House tapped FCAS to convene sports leaders from across the country for a summit on antisemitism, as part of the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.

In October of that year, FCAS hosted 80+ sports leaders from professional sports leagues and teams, community partners, and athletic brands for a summit on modern-day antisemitism, shared best practices for anti-hate campaigns in sports, and catalyzed action in the sports community to combat Jewish Hate and All Hate. FCAS continues to gather this group each month to educate and share best practices, and provide accountability across leagues and teams.

First Ever Cross-League Campaign

The commissioners from eight major sports leagues convened months later to move forward with a first-of-its-kind, national campaign to combat hate. This convening resulted in the ideation of the Timeout Against Hate Campaign. #TimeoutAgainstHate features a wide range of sports figures and icons calling a "timeout", turning the common sports gesture into a national call to action against hate. The new ad spot and campaign is the first of its kind in uniting major sports leagues, its commissioners, and star athletes to champion the fight against all hate.


Sports Partnerships

FCAS partners with organizations and leaders across sports leagues, industries, and franchises to reach and inspire Americans to stand up to Jewish hate and all hate. Our partnerships provide a platform for deeper engagement through best-in-class convenings and programs with these leaders and athletes.