Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Blue Square pin mean? Why is FCAS giving away free Blue Square pins?
FCAS gives away free Blue Square pins as a symbol of unity in the fight against Jewish hate and all hate and to raise awareness of the continued rise in hate.
Can I order the Blue Square lapel pins in bulk for an organization?
For those interested in partnering with FCAS to distribute blue square pins, please contact us at [email protected].
Do you ship pins outside of the United States?
At this time, we only ship individual pins within the United States.
How long will it take for me to receive my pin?
Please allow two to three weeks for shipping and delivery. You will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped.
I experienced antisemitism and/or a hate crime. Can I report it to you?
We are sorry you have gone through this. Unfortunately, we don’t handle reporting of hate crimes, but we can direct you to organizations that can help. Anti-Defamation League – or (212) 885-7700 and Secure Community Network – or (844) 726-3375.
Do you have volunteer opportunities? I want to help!
Thank you for your interest in supporting FCAS. We do not currently offer volunteer positions— here are other ways to get involved:
- Posting and sharing #🟦 on your social media and digital channels and encouraging your community to do the same. Check out our simple guide on How to post the Blue Square.
- Following the #StandUpToJewishHate campaign at @StandUpToJewishHate on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
- Watching and amplifying our powerful stories at
You may also order a Blue Square pin by filling out this request form on our website. The pins are free of charge, but we ask that you consider donating to FCAS to help defray the cost of the production and shipment of the pin.
Do you have job openings? I want to work for FCAS.
Thank you for reaching out to express your interest working for the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism. All current job openings can be found here.
How may I donate in honor of someone?
What does the hashtag mean in your Blue Square?
We are bridging the worlds of showing your pride digitally and out in the real world. The hashtag in the Blue Square is a call to action, encouraging people to share and spread our message.
I have more questions, how can I get in touch?
The best way to ask general questions is by contacting our operations team at [email protected].
What does it mean when you say “Stand Up” to hate?
Standing up to hate means calling out hateful speech or actions wherever and whenever you see it. By sharing the #🟦 online and wearing our Blue Square pin, you show that you are committed to standing up for those experiencing hate.
How else can I support my Jewish friends and Jewish people?
There are many things you can do to stand up against antisemitism. Here are a few suggestions:
- Speak out against antisemitic language and behavior
- Post the #🟦 #bluesquare on social media
- Be an advocate for organizations that are working to fight antisemitism through volunteerism and financial support
- Educate yourself about antisemitism and its history
- Be an ally to the Jewish community
Together, we can achieve more. We’re committed to fighting hate in all its forms. Find out how we can help you.